Instrument Validations

Instrument Validations
Instrument Validation & Testing Services
WJMG performs validation and verification of industrial instruments, NDT equipment, measuring devices services to our clients. Instead of shipping your instrument and waiting weeks for its return, why not bring it to someone locally that you know and trust!
If you can’t remember the last time your equipment was validated, WJMG can manage that for you too, and we’ll even send you a notice when your expiration dates are approaching.
Bring us your Welding Power Supply, Scales, Pressure Devices, Tensile Tester, Harmonic Distortion Tests, and more and discover what makes us different.
Call 303-451-6759 today to schedule. We can usually provide same day service for validations!

Instrument Verification, Calibration, Validation and Certification Services:
- Calibrations – step wedge, blocks, angle blocks, dimensional
- Chart Recorder (psi, temperature)
- Dial Caliper, Micrometer
- Electrical Instrument (ammeter, voltmeter, WFS)
- Epsilon Strain Gauge
- Fabricate Special Fixturing, Clamps, Holders
- Fillet Weld Gauges (set 5 or 7)
- Ferrite Content Measurement Instrument
- Hardness Test Instrument
- Harmonic Tests ( requires welding, leads, holder )
- Hydrostatic Pressure Test ( plugs, flanges, chart )
- Hydrostatic Test & Recorder ( 5000 psi to 30,000 psi )
- Impact Tester (bolts from client)
- Kiln – thermal
- Magnetic Field Indicator
- Magnetic Particle (MT) Portable Yoke (AC, DC), AC MT Coil
- Metrology Instruments – shop items
- Micrometers
- MT Stationary Prods (AC, DC)
- Pressure Gauges, devices – special types
- Pressure Gauges (300psi to 30,000 psi)
- Scale, weight
- Skidmore-Wilhelm (Instrument) bolt tension tester
- Tensile Tester -includes reduced section sample
- Thermal Indicator (thermometer, infrared)
- Thread Profile, Depth Gauge, Bore Depth
- Torque Multiplier
- Torque Wrenches
- Standard Measurement Instruments including: Scales, Rulers, Tapes
- Ultrasonic Flaw Detector Instrument
- Ultrasonic Thickness Measurement Instrument
- Ultrasonic – Phased Array UT (PAUT)
- Ultraviolet Light (black light), UV meter
- Welding Power Supply (WJMG, shop, field) – prepare as-received – clean, power cords, leads
- … and more …