Mechanical Testing

Mechanical Testing
Mechanical Testing & Alloy Analysis
- Lab Test Report – samples, label, clean, prepare, layout grid, section specimens with bandsaw
- Guided Bend Test – face, root, side
- Guided Bend Test – special prep
- Fillet Weld Break Test – single pass, multi pass
- Macro-etch Fillet Weld
- Nick Break – section, notch, prepare
- Charpy Impact – (CVNs) set 3 specimens
- Tensile Test– ultimate, yield
- Tensile / Compression – machine, prepare reduced section, debur, measure
- Bend Test, Torque Test – bolts, studs, headed-anchor-studs (HAS)
- Coefficient of Friction / Slippage Test
- Post Weld Heat Treat, large furnace, small furnace, residual stress relief
- METALAX– Vibratory Stress Relief (VSR), META-LAX
- Peel Test
- Microhardness Traverse – Vickers, Knoop
- Microhardness – Prepare – Section, Bakelite Mount, Polish Surface
- Barber Coleman Impresser (aluminum)
- Macrohardness – Brinell Traverse; Rockwell B, C Traverse
- Macro-etch – section, polish, etch, microscopy
- Feritscope – Ferrite Content Measurement
Mechanical Testing
Our CVN Charpy Impact Machine is NIST verified annually. We’re able to provide cold condition testing down to -320° and generally have next day turn around on all of our material testing.

Hydrostatic Testing
We now have two Hydrostatic testing units
The Barbee P300VR Hydrostatic Tester and the Barbee P200VR High Pressure pump. Our new hydrostatic testing equipment is capable of testing pipes, fittings and vessels up to 33,600 psi, and provides accurate, minute by minute test data.

Tensile Testing
Our Riehle Tensile Tester is capable of applying forces up to 200,000 lb. Its fully integrated analyzer records force, ultimate strength, yield strength and elongation. With this machine we are able to provide material verification, weld testing (PQR) and equipment certification.

Hardness Testing
Our metals lab is equipped with a range of hardness testing machines. These units include a Rockwell, Vickers, Knoop and Brinell Hardness tester. We’re also able to test larger pieces with our Telebrineller portable testing equipment.
… and more … Call 303-451-6759 today to see how we can help you!