Mounting, Etching, Grain Size

Mounting, Etching, Grain Size
WJMG the ability to mount samples using cold techniques for large specimens or hot techniques for smaller specimens. This is helpful for macros and hardness testing to insure a parallel surface when doing Vickers, Rockwell.

Etching is an essential part for hardness testing to visually see the weld, heat affected zone, and base metal regions. It is also a requirement for macros photographs to show the same regions. WJMG has the ability to etch carbon steel, stainless steel, aluminum, and many other types of materials.

Grain Size Determination
Grain sizes can change based on the welding process, heat input and, heat treat processes. Which will change the material to a ductile or brittle phase. A grain is a 2 dimensional representation of a 3 dimensional crystal. WJMG has the ability to determine grain size in accordance with ASTM E112.